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Hi! I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sammi.

I'm a tech girl with a passion for various projects/side hobbies including event coordinating, dancing, videography, and podcasting, to name a few. Learn more about each of my activities using the buttons below. Born, bred, and currently residing in LA. I'm a huge foodie so when I travel it's all about finding the best food and picture spots. I'm not a huge blogger but I'll document the big events to share with my friends, family and anyone else interested!


I truly have a blessed life and I have God to thank for that. I'm a big believer in "everything happens for a reason" and that's because of His plan for us. I love inspiring others, giving advice, and just making people laugh. I have a cheerful heart and optimistic personality, but I also sway towards logic and rationality. Get to know me more through my blog or through social media :)

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